Post-Closing Mortgage Loan Reviews
Our Post-Funding Review Quality Initiative was developed to encourage compliance with all federal and state regulations, mitigate the financial risks of noncompliance and identify the compliance “hotspots” within your organization. By combining appropriate and proven sampling methodologies to select your files to review, we provide a comprehensive post-closing quality control review process (each loan file is subjected to over 220 different LQI checks) that meets the guidelines of all agencies and investors.
We review all mortgage loan types, including conforming and non-conforming, FHA, VA, Reverse Annuity, and HELOC loans. Post-Closing review services also include Post-Closing Forensic Audits, Repurchase Defense, Pre-Funding, Routine QC, Early Payment Defaults, Foreclosure, Due Diligence, Servicing and Fraud Investigation among others.
Of course, we can accommodate any custom requirements that you, your investors, or the agencies would like to incorporate into the QC review process.
Pre-Funding Mortgage Loan Reviews
Our Pre-Funding Review Quality Initiative was developed to encourage complete and accurate loan data, eliminate the delivery of ineligible loans, and reduce repurchase risk and pricing errors. By combining appropriate and proven sampling methodologies to select your files to review, we perform a comprehensive review of every aspect of the loan file prior to closing.
With less than 24 hour turnaround times, we can provide you with a high level of confidence that our Quality Initiative has been met!
People are raving about Synergy
“Having Synergy’s real-time compliance information allows us to deal with regulatory issues BEFORE they become an expensive problem – especially in our mortgage loan closing department. Our employees love working with and learning from Synergy’s compliance experts. Thanks again Synergy for making the world of TRID compliance very easy!”– Kevin, Dominion Mortgage
“With the regulatory environment now more complicated than ever, we really cannot say enough about how easy it is to work with Synergy and its compliance team of advisors as well as its mortgage fulfillment department. We reduced our overhead by 20% by implementing Synergy’s variable cost mortgage fulfillment services. Improved our loan quality too ! Way to go Synergy!”– Jared, Keystone Mortgage